Preparación para sacarte el B1/B2 para irte de Erasmus

What is Erasmus?

Erasmus is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for 2014-2020.

Higher education institutions can apply for funding to run collaborative strategic partnerships to improve their provision for learners and share innovative practices.

Erasmus higher education

El Programa Europeo de Educación, Formación, Juventud y Deporte
2014 – 2020

Erasmus+ es el programa único que trata de impulsar las perspectivas laborales y el desarrollo personal, además de ayudar a nuestros sistemas de educación, formación y juventud a proporcionar una enseñanza y un aprendizaje que doten a las personas de las capacidades necesarias para el mercado laboral y la sociedad actual y futura.

En España son dos las organizaciones designadas como agencias nacionales para la gestión coordinada del programa Erasmus+: el Servicio Español para la internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), para el ámbito de la educación y la formación; y la Agencia Nacional Española (ANE), integrada al Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE) para el ámbito juventud. Las acciones de Erasmus+ Deporte están gestionadas directamente por la Comisión Europea a través de su Agencia Ejecutiva en el ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA).


Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020.

Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the decade and to support the implementation of the European policy agenda for growth,  jobs, equity and social inclusion.

Fighting high levels of unemployment – particularly among young people – is one of the most urgent tasks for European governments. Too many young people leave school prematurely running a high risk of being unemployed and socially marginalised. The same risk threatens many adults with low skills. Technologies are changing the way in which society operates, and there is a need to ensure the best use is made of them. EU businesses need to become more competitive through talent and innovation.
Europe needs more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life. Education, training, youth work and sport are key to promote common European values, foster social integration, enhance interculturally understanding and a sense of belonging to a community,